Instruction version number: 741e2021841b2ee9dfe6da974bbeb934b579947f

Shopping cart Project:

This project was developed using the following:

  1. Gradle,
  2. Java 17,
  3. Intellij IDEA,
  4. Lombok,
  5. Cucumber,
  6. Mockito,
  7. Junit 5,
  8. MonetaryAmount API (JSR 354) which stores currency adhering to ISO-4217,
  9. MonetaryAmount JSON parser (zalando and fasterjackson)

Notes: After unzipping the project, and moving into the parent folder run

  1. ./gradlew clean build then,
  2. ./gradlew cucumber this will run and display the cucumber tests,
  3. ./gradlew test this will run the unit tests