
Pharmacy Point of Sale (POS) and Inventory Management System for medium and small pharmacies and chemists

Primary LanguageC#


This system is a Pharmacy Point of Sale (POS) and Inventory Management System for medium and small pharmacies and chemists. It contains various modules that makes it a holistic and ideal system for any medium and small sized pharmacy enterprises.

1. Login

You must be registered in order to log in to the system. If you are a registered user of the system you must provide a username referred to as the pfno and a password. The username and password must be correct for you to login. Login

2. Selling

After logging in successfully there are two types of selling process. One is quantity sale where the customer indicated the quantity of drugs they want to purchase. Another sell is cash sale where the customer gives the amount for the drugs they want to buy. Selling

1. Quantity sale

Select the drug from the drug field and then enter the quantity in the quantity field then click on enter button. This will place the drug in the table below. NOTE: You can only sell a drug that is available in the stock. Also you can only sell a drug with lower quantity or equal to what is in the stock. Quantity sale

2. Cash sale

Select the drug from the drug field and then enter the amount in the “amount” field then click on enter button. This will place the drug in the table below. NOTE: You can only sell a drug that is available in the stock. Also you can only sale a drug with lower quantity or equal to what is in the stock. Cash sale

Removing drug from the cart

You can remove a drug from the cart by clicking on the drug row and clicking the button “remove” near “enter button”

Completing Sales Transaction

You complete sales transaction by simply entering the amount in the amount field and if discount is allowed enter it inside the discount field and click pay. After clicking pay you can now click on the sell button to sell the drug to the customer. NOTE: The importance of entering the amount and paying is that it enable you to monitor the income for your stock.

Canceling Transaction

You can abort/cancel the transaction by simply clicking on the “cancel” button.


The following is a sequence of adding data in the system assuming you have added the manager as a staff or you are the manager

  1. Start by adding drug
  2. Then add supplier
  3. Then add stock.

1. Staff

Adding Staff

To add the staff click on the staff and click “add staff”. This will present you with a window to enter the staff’s details. The category field enables you to select the type of user either pharmacist or the manager. You set the password for the user and the pfno which the user will later use to login to the system. Adding Staff NOTE: Set a simple and secure password for the user. You must at least place an image for the user.

Updating Staff

To update the staff click on the “Update Staff” then you can change the details for the staff. After changing the details click “save”.

Updating Staff

Viewing Staff

To view the staff click on the staff then “View Staff”. You can print the records. Viewing Staff

2. Supplier

Adding Supplier

To add the supplier click on the supplier and click “add supplier”. This will present you with a window to enter the supplier details. Adding Supplier

Updating Supplier

To update the supplier click on the “Update Supplier” then you can change the details for the staff. After changing the details click “save”. Updating Supplier

Viewing Supplier

To view the supplier click on the supplier then “View Supplier”. You can print the records Viewing Supplier

3. Drug

Adding Drug

To add the drug click on the drug and click “Add Drug”. This will present you with a window to enter the drug details. Adding Drug

Updating Drug

To update the drug click on the “Update Drug” then you can change the details for the staff. After changing the details click “save”.

Updating Drug

Viewing Drug

To view the drug click on the drug then “View Drug”. You can print the records. Viewing Drug

4. Stock

Adding Stock

To add the Stock click on the Stock and click “Add Stock”. This will present you with a window to enter the Stock details. Adding Stock

Updating Stock

To update the Stock click on the “Update Stock” then you can change the details for the staff. After changing the details click “save”. Updating Stock

Viewing Stock

To view the Stock click on the Stock then “View Stock”. You can print the records. Viewing Stock

Viewing Net Stock

To view the Net Stock click on the Net Stock then “View Net Stock”. You can print the records. Viewing Net Stock

Viewing Sales

To view the Sales click on the Sales then “View Sales”. You can print the records. Viewing Sales

Viewing Reports

To view the reports click on the “Reports” menu. To get further statistics on the sales reports, click on “More” under the Sales on reports. Viewing Reports

5. Debtor

Adding Debtor

It is evident that some client will come to buy drug at a higher purchase order. They are referred to as debtors. Adding the debtor in the system is through the debtor menu. Click on debtor then click on “add debtor option”. This will present you with a form to fill the details. Then after filling all the required details click on the “save” button to save the debtor. Adding Debtor

Updating the Debtor.

You can update the debtor if they repay the debt. Simply click on the debtor menu then click on the update debtor. This will present you with a form to update the amount. NOTE: After updating the debtor if the debt is successfully repaid, the debtor details will not be visible in the table below. Updating the Debtor

Viewing Debtors

You can see Debtors details while adding, updating or viewing debtors. For viewing all debtors records and printing go to Debtors then click on view Debtors. This will display all debtors records in which you can print. Viewing Debtors

6. Calculator

You can access the calculator by clicking on the calculator. Calculator

7. Logout.

Logout enables you to exit the application. This ensures that your session has expired and nobody can use your account until they are logged in.