
BIP44 extension of Bitcoinj. Includes full support for BIP39 including non-English word lists.

Build Process

Install Maven 3.2 or higher.


mvn clean

mvn package

Two .jar files will be created in the directory ./target :

BitcoinjBIP44.jar : Can be included in any Java project 'as is' but requires inclusion of dependencies. harness not included.

BitcoinjBIP44-jar-with-dependencies.jar : includes all dependencies and can be run from the command line using the harness (see command line switches below).

Run using harness:

java -jar target/BitcoinjBIP44-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Command line switches:

-a create/restore with this number of accounts (default = 2 accounts)

-c (no arguments) create new wallet (default = 12 words)

-f restore wallet from JSON using this password

-l use this Locale for BIP 39 nword list, defaults to en_US if Locale empty or incorrect (accepted Locales: en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, jp_JP, zh_CN, zh_TW)

-p use this passphrase (BIP 39)

-r restore wallet from hex, mnemonic, or ':' separated XPUBs (write-only wallet)

-t save wallet to JSON using this password

-w create wallet using this number of words for mnemonic (defaults to 12 words if supplied number is illegal)