
ESP32 with MLX90640 (Thermal Camera 32x24px). Sending images to WebServer on ESP. Working (yey!) perfect on ESP32.

Primary LanguageC++


Welcome to see the micro project based on ESP32.
Thermal Camera based on:

  1. ESP32 (Wrover)
  2. MLX 90640 Thermal Camera 32x24 pixels
  3. 0.95' OLED (SD1331)
  4. ESPAsyncWebServer
  5. SPIFFS - file system

Important features - TO DO LIST:

  • Grabbing thermal image from MLX90640
  • Test image on OLED
  • Show thermal image on OLED
  • Build WebServer with ESPAsyncWebServer
  • Automatic update of variables (e.g. MaxTemp) on Website
  • Save thermal image as picture (BMP) in SPIFFS
  • Show Thermal Image (BMP) on Website
  • Automatic update of BMP (suitable SetInterval in <script>)
  • Case - 3D Model and print it on FDM 3D Printer
  • Tweak updating Thermal Image (now SetInterval set to 1 sec - buggy image if set <1sec or there is more Clients)
  • Reducing overall latency (Issue #2)
  • Maybe Stream thermal image to Website (because why not) - faster updating
  • Add Switch on Website to On/Off OLED display

Note: 10/10/2019
I have MLX90640 files that are 6 months old. The latest files from Melexis contain a bug in the MLX90640_API.cpp file.