This project is only for educational purposes , because streaming live tv channels like this is illegal and web scraping is also a kind of illegal (comes under Grey-Hat hacking) , So be caereful....
- Create a Python3 Virtual Environment
on windows
python -m venv publictv
or if you install multiple python3 versions on windows
py -version -m venv publictv
Activating the Virtual environment on Windows
on Mac/Linux
python3 -m venv publictv
here publictv is name given to Virtual Environment
Activating the Virtual environment on Mac / Linux
source publictv/bin/activate
- Install all required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the python file
and wait for few seconds it will start automatically
- To stop the execution
Live Stream will open in full screen if you want to exit full screen mode simply double click on your mouse to stop the execution go to terminal where you have started exection and press
ctrl + c