Retro notes Service

This service exists to allow a client to interface with a database (currently using an in memory DB which does not persist between runs of the service) which maintains a list of retro actions.

Running the Service

To run the service as a Spring-Boot app run ./gradlew bootRun in the root directory.

To fill the database with some example notes and consent documents cd into the scripts directory and run sh

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080/api/notes to see the list of retro notes.

GET retro notes endpoint


Will return a list of all notes currently stored in the DB

POST retro note endpoint


Allows the user to post a new note.



GET consent endpoint


Will return the consent document with the highest version number.

POST consent endpoint


Allows the user to post a new version of the consent document.


  "content":"You hereby kinda promise to do everything agreed in the retro."