
Record and replay day-to-day instructions as holograms on Hololens 2.

Primary LanguageC#


This project contains experimental scripts developed as part of holographic recording project in Mixed reality lab AS20 at ETH Zurich. The app lets you record hand motions and nearby object motion in 3D using a hololens and play them back as point clouds.

Figure: Screenshots while recording and playback.

These functionalities are part of a standalone hand motion playback app which will be released in future.

Dev overview

  • For data recording, AHAT depth from hololens research mode is recorded. The research mode API is in C++, hence a wrapper was needed to use it in unity.
  • The depth has wrap around problem i.e. all the depth values are truncated to 0-1m, which makes the data full of noise to directly work with.
  • I am using MRTK hand joint coordinates to carve out relevant points.
  • For playback the points are displayed with a custom shader by updating mesh of a game object.

Steps to configure this branch for research mode

  • Build in ARM64
  • Make sure HL2UnityPlugin dll and winmd files are present in Assets/Plugins/WSA/ARM64 folder of unity project.
  • Important: After building the visual studio solution from Unity, go to App/[Project name]/Package.appxmanifest and add the restricted capability to the manifest file.
xmlns:rescap="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10/restrictedcapabilities" //(this line)
IgnorableNamespaces="uap uap2 mp rescap" //(rescap in this line)
    <Capability Name="internetClient" />
    <rescap:Capability Name="perceptionSensorsExperimental" /> //(this line)
    <DeviceCapability Name="webcam" />
  • There is a bug in research mode AHAt depth capturing in hololens2, because of which sometimes Ahat depth are not captured. To resolve this make sure you hololens does not go to sleep, or restart the device before running the app.


  • Point clouds not getting saved/rendered -- If no point clouds are getting saved, 1. check configuration steps from above, 2. Restart hololens
  • Point clouds not coming in screenshots or video capture -- Ensure while building in Unity, player settings has a field Stereo Rendering, which should be set to multi pass
  • In general to record reserach mode data, keep the game object as well as main camera at origin.
