
How to use concurrency and parallelism with GO for network call

Primary LanguageGo

async_service_call_v1.go :

Make a netowrk call for each gihubUserName and show the execution time. The network calling is not asynchronous. After one call finishes, the next call takes place. As these calls doesn't have any dependency, they should be executed parallely. async_service_call_v2.go solve this problem.


Does the same above work but the implementation is abit diffetent. This one use concurrency to make concurrent api call so that the network call can take place concurrently.

Comparison of two approach

Function Name Number of Network call Avg Time Taken
async_service_call_v1.go 2 Network call 2.135790661
async_service_call_v2.go 2 Network call 1.382750029


V2 is 64.74% faster than V1

Area of improvement for v2

As these network call doesn't depend on one another, we can parallely execute the network call which will concurrently execute. Look the codes in async_service_call_v3.go

Benchmark for V3

Number of Core Number of Network call Avg Time Taken
2 2 Network call 1.260203267
4 2 Network call 1.135379339

My device run with 4 core. For 4 core, the time taken 1.135379339 which is 82.11% faster than v2