Product Information Management (PIM) - MVP


  • As a user I can add a Category
  • As a user I can add a Category to another category
  • As a user I can update category
  • As a user I can delete a Category
  • As a user I can add an Article
  • As a user I can add a category to an article
  • As a user I can add multiple categories to an article
  • As a user I can update an article
  • As a user I can delete an article

API Document

Request Header

Header Name Header Content
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
Authorization <accessToken>

Create a Category

Request Method Request Path
POST api/category/create

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String YES
parent String NO

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful Post
400 Category already exists/Bad Request

Sample Request Body


Sample Response Body

    "message": "Category saved successfully"

Update a Category

Request Method Request Path
POST api/category/edit

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String YES
parent String YES

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Category updated successfully
400 Bad Request

Sample Request Body


Sample Response Body

    "message": "Category updated successfully"

Delete a Category

Request Method Request Path
POST api/category/delete

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String YES

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful Deletion
400 Category already deleted/Bad Request

Sample Request Body


Sample Response Body

    "message": "Category deleted successfully"

Create an Article

Request Method Request Path
POST api/article/create

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Notes
name String YES -
category_name List<String> NO -
price Float NO max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
stock_quantity Integer NO -

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful Post
400 Article already exists/Bad Request

Sample Request Body

    "name": "Kitchen Sink",
    "category_name": ["accessories","kitchenware"],
    "price": 212,
    "stock_quantity": 519

Sample Response Body

    "message": "Article saved successfully"

Update an Article

Request Method Request Path
POST api/article/edit

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Notes
name String YES -
category_name List<String> NO -
price Float NO max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
stock_quantity Integer NO -

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful Post
400 Article does not exist/Bad Request

Sample Request Body

    "name": "Kitchen Sink",
    "price": 350.12,
    "stock_quantity": 1024

Sample Response Body

    "message": "Article updated successfully"

Delete an Article

Request Method Request Path
POST api/article/delete

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String YES

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful Deletion
400 Article already exists/Bad Request

Sample Request Body

    "name": "Kitchen Sink"

Sample Response Body

    "message": "Article deleted successfully"

Get all articles for a category

Request Method Request Path
GET api/article/get-all-articles?page=1

Request Body Field Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String YES

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful
400 Bad Request

Sample Request Body


Sample Response Body

    "data": [
            "sku": "50e1d0ef-ef8a-490a-930e-65f4cf8f0f94",
            "ean": "98b375b9-838c-461d-b3f0-3a199cc5303c",
            "price": 212.0,
            "name": "Oven",
            "stock_quantity": 519
            "sku": "c03620a6-9010-4fbc-b8f4-962d7d076406",
            "ean": "b3ea2c02-64a7-42fc-ace7-08d8037c8834",
            "price": 212.0,
            "name": "Kitchen Sink",
            "stock_quantity": 519
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "pageSize": 2

Get all categories

Request Method Request Path
GET api/category/get-all-catagories?name=clothes

URL Parameter Description

Field Name Field Type Mandatory
name String NO


If no parameter is mentioned in the url i.e if the url is like api/category/get-all-catagories, only the Categories that have no children will be returned. If the parameter name is given for a valid Category, then all Catagories who are children of this name category will be returned

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Type
200 Successful
400 Bad Request

Sample Request Body

Not Needed

Sample Response Body

    "data": [
            "name": "shirts"
            "name": "pants"

Run the project

  1. Create a virtual environment
  2. source my_venv/bin/activate
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run docker-compose up
  5. Navigate to the dir product_information_management
  6. Run python makemigrations and python migrate
  7. Run python runserver

Run the test cases

  1. Run the aformentioned commands from 1-5
  2. Run pytest

Test cases file are in this format:,,

System Design


Motivation behind this architecture

  • Considered Dynamodb because the category can be nested. Seemed like unstructured data. Problem was to keep them in the table.
  • Node would be great because take less time to bootstrap a project. Also could use pm2
  • Chose postgres to keep the nested category
  • Chose django because it supports better orm. Node does not have a good one.
  • The system is a read-heavy one. Will be more read than write

Scaling the system


  • For secret management, AWS SSM/Consul can be used