Deploy a sidecar in Kubernetes

This project demonstrate the deployment of a sidecar in Kubernetes. A main container and a sidecar is deployed together in one pod. The pod with the 2 containers work as one unit.



How to use this repo?

  • Clone this repo
  • Run ./ It will generate the necessary go code from the proto file and install the dependencies
  • Run ./ It will build the client and server image and publish it in minikube. So that minikube can resolve the image from locally.
  • Run ./ It will create a deployment and a service in minikube
  • To get the service url and port, run
minikube service sidecar-deployment-service --url

The name sidecar-deployment-service is defined in k8s/deployment.yml file.

  • Use the url and port from Postman or gRPC-cli to talk to the client
  • After having fun, you can kill the deployment by
kubectl delete deployments sidecar-deployment

The name sidecar-deployment is defined in k8s/deployment.yml file.