ShipTalkers is an open-source project by Rhys Sullivan who aims to bring transparency to the tech community on Twitter. It compares the number of tweets a user has sent with their actual code contributions (commits) to determine if they are truly "shipping code" or just "shiptalk."


  • User Comparison: Compare the ratio of tweets to commits for any Twitter user to see if they are backing up their tweets with actual code contributions.
  • Special Titles: Based on the tweet-to-commit ratio, users are assigned special titles ranging from "Grinder" (high commit ratio) to "Influencer" (low commit ratio).
  • Heatmap Calendar: While streaming a user's heatmap calendar, their most commits in a day or biggest tweet will be displayed.
  • Similar Ratios: See other users with similar tweet-to-commit ratios.
  • Leaderboard: A leaderboard sorted from the highest to lowest commit ratios.
  • Holiday Callouts: Special callouts for tweeting, coding, or living during holidays.

Upcoming Features

  • While comparing users, show people with similar ratios.
  • Have a leaderboard sorted from the highest to lowest commit ratios.
  • For holidays, callout tweeting, coding, or living.


  • After comparing, give them a special name i.e. "Indie Hacker," "Reply Guy," etc.
  • Special name ideas:
  • Special name for 5:0 commits to tweets
  • Grinder - 3:1 commits to tweets
  • Special name for 2:1 commits to tweets
  • Perfectly Balanced - 1:1 commits to tweets
  • Shiposter - 1:2 commits to tweets
  • Indie Hacker - 1:3 commits to tweets
  • Reply Guy - 1:4 commits to tweets
  • Influencer - 1:5 commits to tweets
  • While streaming the heatmap calendar, pop in their most commits in a day or biggest tweet
  • After comparing, show people with similar ratios
  • Have a leaderboard, sorted from most to least commit ratios
  • For holidays, callout tweeting, coding, or living

Getting Started (Development Setup)

  • Clone the repository by clicking on the code button and choose any option from the dropdown.

    • Option 1: Copy this url and paste it in your terminal

    • Option 2: Click the Open with Github Desktop Option which will open up the GUI client if it's installed on your machine

    • Option 3: Download the project as zip and unzip it upon completing the download

  • Copy and paste this command in your terminal; to install the necessary modules

        pnpm install
  • Run this commad to serve the project on your localhost

        pnpm dev
  • You will see the live app served at localhost:3000


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have any ideas, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Before creating a pull request make sure you read through the current open PRs so as not to create a duplicate of an already existent one.

If it's your first time contributing to Open Source; Github's Guide to Open Source a good place to start. If you are a seasoned contributor; it will do you good to read our Contributors Guideline

