
Escargot is a lightweight JavaScript engine designed specifically for resource-constrained environments.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


License GitHub release (latestSemVer) Actions Status Coverity Scan Build Status codecov

Escargot is a lightweight JavaScript engine developed by Samsung, designed specifically for resource-constrained environments. It is optimized for performance and low memory usage, making it ideal for use in embedded systems, IoT devices, and other applications where resources are limited.

Key features of Escargot include:

  • ECMAScript Compliance: Escargot supports a significant portion of the latest ECMAScript version (ECMAScript 2024), ensuring compatibility with modern JavaScript standards while maintaining a lightweight footprint.
  • Memory Efficiency: The engine is designed with memory constraints in mind, making it suitable for devices with limited RAM and storage.
  • Performance Optimization: Escargot implements various optimization techniques to ensure fast execution of JavaScript code, even on low-power devices.
  • Extensibility: The engine can be customized and extended to meet the specific needs of different applications, providing flexibility for developers.

Escargot is an open-source project that allows developers to contribute to its development or use it in their own projects, while also powering several services in Samsung products. The engine's design prioritizes simplicity and efficiency, making it an excellent choice for developers working in embedded or resource-limited environments.

Contents 📋

Building 🛠️

Supported Platforms and Architectures

OS Architecture
Linux(Ubuntu) x86/x64/arm/aarch64
macOS x64/aarch64
Windows x86
Android x86/x64/arm/aarch64

Build Options

The following build options are supported when generating ninja rules using cmake.

Option Description Flag Value Default
HOST Choose target platform -DESCARGOT_HOST linux/darwin/android/windows
ARCH Choose target architecture -DESCARGOT_ARCH x64/x86/arm/aarch64
MODE Choose release/debug mode -DESCARGOT_MODE release/debug release
OUTPUT Choose build output type -DESCARGOT_OUTPUT shared_lib/static_lib/shell/cctest shell
THREADING Enable threading features (e.g. Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer) -DESCARGOT_THREADING ON/OFF OFF
WASM Enable WebAssembly support -DESCARGOT_WASM ON/OFF OFF
TCO Enable tail call optimization -DESCARGOT_TCO ON/OFF OFF
SMALL_CONFIG Enable aggressive memory optimizations for tiny devices -DESCARGOT_SMALL_CONFIG ON/OFF OFF
TEST Enable additional features used only for testing -DESCARGOT_TEST ON/OFF OFF


General build prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake cmake libtool libicu-dev ninja-build

Prerequisites for x86-64-to-x86 compilation:

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev:i386

Build Escargot:

git submodule update --init third_party # update submodules
cmake -DESCARGOT_MODE=release -DESCARGOT_OUTPUT=shell -GNinja


General build prerequisites:

brew install autoconf automake cmake icu4c libtool ninja pkg-config

# add icu path to pkg_config_path (x64)
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
# add icu path to pkg_config_path (arm64)
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"

Build Escargot:

git submodule update --init third_party # update submodules
cmake -DESCARGOT_MODE=release -DESCARGOT_OUTPUT=shell -GNinja


Build prerequisites on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk # require java 17

Build Escargot using gradle:

git submodule update --init third_party # update submodules
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=.... # set your android SDK root first
cd build/android/
./gradlew bundleReleaseAar # build escargot AAR
./gradlew bundleHostJar # bundle jar for host
./gradlew javadocJar # create java doc
./gradlew sourcesJar # create sources jar

./gradlew assembleDebug # build debug test shell
./gradlew :escargot:connectedDebugAndroidTest # run escargot-jni tests on android device
./gradlew :escargot:testDebugUnitTest # run escargot-jni tests on host


Install VS2022 with cmake and ninja. Open [ x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 | x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 ]

git submodule update --init third_party # update submodules

cd out
msbuild ESCARGOT.sln /property:Configuration=Release /p:platform=[ Win32 | x64 ]

Testing ✅

Escargot supports various benchmark sets, which can be run using the tools/run-tests.py script.

Benchmark flag
SunSpider 1.0.2 sunspider
Octane 2.0 octane
test262 test262
Web Tooling Benchmark web-tooling-benchmark
SpiderMonkey (vendor-made) spidermonkey
ChakraCore (vendor-made) chakracore
V8 (vendor-made) v8

Run each benchmark separately or all together as shown below:

tools/run-tests.py --engine=./out/linux/x64/release/escargot web-tooling-benchmark
tools/run-tests.py --engine=./out/linux/x64/release/escargot spidermonkey test262 v8

Contributing 💡

Escargot welcomes contributions from developers in any form, wheter it's code, documentation, bug reports, or suggestions. By contributing to the project, you agree to license your contributions under the LGPL-2.1 license.

❗ Vulnerability Reporting

⚠️ If you identify any vulnerabilities, please report them through the Issues page. Reports sent via other channels may not be considered or may be processed with delays. Please note that our project assumes the execution of valid JavaScript source code only. Handling of invalid source code is not within the main scope of this project and might not be addressed.

Research Papers 📝

License 📜

Escargot is open-source software primarily licensed under LGPL-2.1, with some components covered by other licenses. Complete license and copyright information can be found in the source code.