
Primary LanguageC++

Blink for OpenWallpaper

Blink is simple QOpenGL scene for the OpenWallpaper Plasma. Video demonstration: YouTube | Reddit

Blink preview image

Build instructions

Unpack the downloaded package and open the terminal:

# sudo ./build.sh

Also, you can enable mouse events: open Source/Blink.cpp and replace variable const bool CHECK_FOCUS = false; to true. Don't forget to recompile sources with the command above.


All of the wallpaper packages must have wallpaper.ini file with the information below:

Information about package and author

Variable Type Description Wallpaper Type Necessary
Name String Name of current package ALL +
Version String Package version ALL -
Author String Author name ALL -
Email String Author email ALL -
AuthorLink String Author website ALL -
Comment String Small text about package ALL -

Settings parameters

Variable Type Description Wallpaper Type Necessary
Type String One of three types ALL +
Music Bool Have music or not OGL, Gif +-
StartVolume Float Start volume ALL +-
FillMode String Video fill mode Video -


Variable Type Description Wallpaper Type Necessary
Source String Path to package source ALL +
MusicSource String Path to music source ALL +-
PreviewImage String Preview image for Manager ALL +

About FillMode you can read in Qt Documentation.

How to create own QtOpenGL wallpaper


The OpenWallpaper Plasma install abstract_render.hpp class to your system by path /usr/include/OpenWallpaper/QtOpenGL. Now you can create own class and inherit it of openWallpaper::ogl::QtRender. Don't forget override follow methods:

  • void init(const std::string& dir,const std::vector<std::string>& params) - That an "second constructor" for your class. It is called after main constructor. An basic constructor cannot have any arguments doe to architectural costs. params do not take any data in current release
  • void data(bool focus, bool music, float volume, const std::vector<std::string>& params) - That method is activated first in each frame.params do not take any data in current release
  • void draw() - Second method in each frame. Your render code should placed in there
  • void onPause() - activated when user set pause for a desktop wallpaper
  • void onResume() - activated when user set play for a desktop wallpaper

The OpenWallpaper plasma can work only with shared libraries, so your source file should have follow methods:

  • extern "C" QtRender* create() { return new **YOUR_CLASS_NAME**; } - function for an constuctor
  • extern "C" void destroy(QtRender* p) { delete p; } - function for an destructor

Attention: QtRender it is alias of a openWallpaper::ogl::QtRender. Be careful with that type of wallpaper, check source and then run package. The library can contain any C++ code.


For minimal build need include fallow libraries:

More information you can find in an official Qt Documentation


The QOpenGLContext can be taken from QOpenGLContext::currentContext(). See Source/Blink.cpp for better understanding.

How to create the wallpaper package

  • Create wallpaper.ini and set needed variables. See Parametres above
  • Add source files (videos, gifs or shared libraries(with source))
  • Share!




Code given from Qt Examples.