
A simple data switching language

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple data switching language.


  1. Download SOL.hpp, SOL_Parser.hpp, SOL_Scanner.hpp, SOL_Token.hpp and SOL_Value.hpp, put them in the same folder.

  2. When you need to use it, just include SOL.hpp.


Some SOL type

sol::Value, sol::Array, sol::Object and sol::String.

sol::Array is the alias of std::vector<sol::Value>.

sol::Object is the alias of std::unordered_map<std::string, sol::Value>.

sol::String is the alias of std::string.

Parse SOL


// Parsing
if (!sol::Parser::fromFile("sample.sol")) {
    // Error ocucrred
    std::cerr << sol::Parser::error() << std::endl;
    return 0;

// Get result
Value sample = sol::Parser::result();

// Escape unicode as "\uxxxx"

// Output SOL string with format
std::cout << sol::Parser::toString(v, 4) << std::endl;


Get error

const std::string& sol::Parser::error()

Returns error message string. If there is no error occurred, the string will be uncertain.

Get parse result

Value sol::Parser::result()

Returns parse result. If fails to parse, the result will be uncertain.

From file

bool sol::Parser::fromFile(const std::string& path)

Returns true for success, false for error.

From string

bool sol::Parser::fromString(const std::string& str)

Returns true for success, false for error.

Set output hint - Escape unicode as "\uxxxx" or not

void sol::Parser::outputEscapeUnicode(bool b)

It would be set as false initially.

To file without format

bool sol::Parser::toFile(const std::string& path, const Value& v)

Returns true for success, false for error.

To string without format

std::string sol::Parser::toString(const Value& v)

Returns true for success, false for error.

To file with format

bool sol::Parser::toFile(const std::string& path, const Value& v, size_t n, size_t off = 0)

n: Whitespace count

off: Initial offset

Returns true for success, false for error.

To string with format

std::string sol::Parser::toString(const Value& v, size_t n, size_t off = 0)

n: Whitespace count

off: Initial offset

Returns SOL string.

sol::Value operations


It can accept some basic type to construct a sol::Value.


sol::Value emptyValue;
sol::Value fromAnotherValue(emptyValue);
sol::Value fromArray(sol::Array());
sol::Value fromObject(sol::Object());
sol::Value fromString(sol::String());
sol::Value fromInt64(114514ll);
sol::Value fromDouble(3.1415926l);
sol::Value fromBoolean(true);



Similar to construction, it can accept some basic type.

Type check



// Get type



It can accept an integer or a string as an index. If the type of sol::Value is not an array, but you still use an integer as the index, it would automatically reconstruct itself as an array(AND YOU WILL LOST THE ORIGIN DATA STORAGED IN IT). Same as the string index.


// As array

// As object







Check element type

bool sol::check(const Value& v, const std::string& path, ValueType type)

path: Just like "a.b.x.ww.z.12.11". If it's a pure number, it would go through like an array, otherwise an object.

Return true for success, false for fail.

Check elements

std::vector<int> sol::check(const Value& v, const std::vector<std::string>& ls)

ls: Path list, but you should add type name at the end of the path. e.g. ls = {"a.b:String", "aaa.weqx.zxc:Array"};

Return the list of result, -1 for invalid path, -2 for invalid type name, 0 for fails, 1 for success. The last element of the list is the total fails count.