
Files relating to Project 6 of the B³ Hackathon: Phenological Diversity Trends with Remote Sensing Related Datacubes. This repository contains data and files we've worked on as part of the Hackathon itself, and also our progress since the Hackathon concluded.

Primary LanguageHTML

Compiling Our Preprint Manuscript

As of 10/04/2024, this repo offers the ability to view and compile the markdown code that composes our manuscript.

The file "B3_Hackathon_PrePrint_Manuscript_Project-6_Master.md" is the most authoritative and latest revision of our work. It is written and formatted in the markdown syntax to conform to the guidelines set out by the BioHackrXiv (further information: https://guide.biohackrxiv.org/submission_guidelines.html).

The "paper.bib" file contains the references for the manuscript written with BibTeX syntax.