Friendly Reminder

Friendly Reminder is an application designed to help busy friends find time to hang out with each other. Many of us have full schedules which makes balancing work and life quite difficult. Some people work full time, some people work night shifts or irregular schedules, some people go to school, play sports or whatever else keeps us busy. It's often difficult to find what little free time matches up with the free time of our closest friends.

With Friendly Reminder, each user is able to input their schedule into a visual weekly scheduler. The user can then join a group with their friends. Once in a group, the user has the ability to see all of the overlapping free time of all members of the group.

At this point, the user can select the available free times to see the local weather at those times. In addition, the user will be able to search either for a nearby restaurant, movie, or event. This allows users to see clearly when they are able to see friends and also have a suggestion for a fun activity to spend together.