
Are you ready to dive into the Deep Sea Adventure? The ocean awaits your exploration, so sharpen your instincts, navigate with precision, and conquer the challenges beneath the waves!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Project Template Readme


This TypeScript project template is designed to kickstart your TypeScript development with proper configuration for the TypeScript Compiler (tsc) and Prettier. Below, you'll find a brief explanation of the key configuration files and their purpose.



The tsconfig.json file contains the configuration settings for the TypeScript Compiler (tsc). Here's a breakdown of the key options:

  • target: Specifies the ECMAScript target version (ESNext in this case).
  • lib: Defines the libraries to include during compilation (ESNext and DOM).
  • outDir: Specifies the output directory for compiled files.
  • rootDir: Indicates the root directory of TypeScript source files.
  • strict: Enables strict type-checking options.
  • esModuleInterop: Allows default imports from CommonJS modules.
  • module: Specifies the module system (ESNext in this case).
  • removeComments: Removes comments from the generated output.
  • sourceMap: Generates source map files for better debugging.


The .prettierrc file configures Prettier, a code formatter for maintaining consistent code style. Here's an overview of the configuration options:

  • arrowParens: Enforces parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.
  • bracketSameLine: Ensures multiline object literals have the opening bracket on the same line.
  • bracketSpacing: Adds spaces between brackets in object literals.
  • endOfLine: Defines the line ending style (LF).
  • jsxSingleQuote: Uses single quotes for JSX attributes.
  • printWidth: Specifies the maximum line length before wrapping.
  • semi: Omits semicolons at the end of statements.
  • useTabs: Indents with tabs instead of spaces.
  • trailingComma: Controls trailing commas in object literals and arrays.
  • tabWidth: Sets the number of spaces per tab.
  • singleQuote: Uses single quotes instead of double quotes for strings.
  • htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: Defines sensitivity to HTML whitespace (strict).


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-project.git
  2. Navigate to Project Directory:

    cd your-project
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Install Prettier:

    npm install --save-dev prettier


  1. Run TypeScript Compiler (tsc):

    • To compile TypeScript files, run:
      npx tsc
  2. Watch Mode:

    • To run TypeScript Compiler in watch mode, use:
      npx tsc --watch
  3. Format Code with Prettier:

    • To format your code using Prettier, run:
      npm run format

Additional Notes

Now your TypeScript project is ready for development with proper TypeScript and Prettier configurations. Happy coding!