
Here you can find several cpp projects i've done while im learning this programming language.

Primary LanguageC++

C++ Projects


Here you can find several cpp projects i've done while im learning this programming language. The course that i am taking is called Programming and Numerical Methods, so its is oriented to math topics, however there are some scripts as tali.cpp that have nothing to do with my course.

List of Scripts

  • tali: Is a dice game that i copied from Gnome Games.
  • LinAlg: Contains several linear algebra matrix functions as determinant, inverse matrix and it solves linear equations systems.
  • bases: Its a simple script that converts numbers from one base to another.
  • cribae: Prints the first n prime numbers using Eratostenes Cribe.
  • ficheros: Read and write text files.
  • interLag: Estimates functions values by using Lagrange Interpolation.
  • raices: Compares three common roots finders.
  • antiPri: Finds the first positive integer whose number of divisors is grater or equal that a certain value.
  • compare: Compares two files in order to find if they have the same content or if they have some difference.
  • GibbsSampler: Performs a bayesian analysis of some data as explained in the pdf file. Results are in .md and .html files.
  • patron: A random character pattern generator for your terminal.


  • I must clarify that this repository isn't well documented, its just a personal project.
  • Some of this scripts would only perfectly run on Linux or depend on some libraries such as gsl.