
Android application to extract text from an image using firebase MLkit.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Android application to extract text from an image using firebase MLkit.

Download sample app



Android 5.1 (API level 22) or Above


Replace google-services.json with your own google-services.json file which can be downloaded from your project created on firebase. This json file is used to integrate your firebase project with this app.

  "project_info": {
    "project_number": "REPLACE WITH YOUR PROJECT NUMBER",
    "firebase_url": "REPLACE WITH YOUR URL",
    "project_id": "REPLACE WITH YOUR ID",
    "storage_bucket": "REPLACE WITH YOUR STORAGE"
  "client": [
      "client_info": {
        "mobilesdk_app_id": "REPLACE WITH YOUR ID",
        "android_client_info": {
          "package_name": "com.samapps310.textrecognition"
      "oauth_client": [
          "client_id": "REPLACE WITH YOUR ID",
          "client_type": 1,
          "android_info": {
            "package_name": "com.samapps310.textrecognition",
            "certificate_hash": "REPLACE WITH YOUR HASH"
          "client_id": "REPLACE WITH YOUR ID",
          "client_type": 3
      "api_key": [
          "current_key": "REPLACE WITH YOUR KEY"
      "services": {
        "appinvite_service": {
          "other_platform_oauth_client": [
              "client_id": "REPLACE WITH YOUR ID",
              "client_type": 3
  "configuration_version": "1"
  1. Replace this file
  2. Build and Run application

you are good to go.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details