
How to save your favorite configuration with less pain? Of how to migrate to new device? This repo serve only for my dotfiles, you can take it as inspiration to create your one.

After researching the internet and discussing with a friend, I decided to use stow. Simply, I found as useful this blog or this one. But you can find much more inspiration for starting with.

Create a new simlink using stow

Once, you have stow instaled lets create a simlink using steps:

  1. Your working directory must be your dotfile repo
  2. Create a new "package" (folder) in your dotfile repo eg. mkdir package. This si place where you will store dotfile(s)
  3. Make a simlink! stow package Yeah! that simple it is.


  • its good for begining to place your dotfile repo in home directory. That makes my stowing easier because I dont need to specify "anything".
  • packages name by real name eg. zsh, git, etc

New computer

First, you have to isntall homebrew, simply using:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Second, clone this repo to your home directory install all packages using:

xargs brew install < homebrew.txt

Third, install oh-my-zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Forth, make simlinks to this repo dotfiles

stow -vSt ~ git zsh

if you want to delete simlink run

stow -vDt ~ git zsh

Fifth, clone repositories with extra plugins, that do not contain the base ohmyzsh repo
