
:boom: :space_invader: A VR shooter for Google's Daydream VR device. :space_invader: :boom:

Primary LanguageC#


enter image description here 💥 👽 🔫 Duck Hunt VR 💥 👽 🔫 enter image description here


A young student of a enigmatic town called Quixadá, fond of ufology, resolves to go to sleep after playing Duck Hunt the entire night on your NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).

He needs to have a good night's sleep, because he has to wakeup early to go to college. What he doesn't know is that he will have the craziest dream of his life.

Without realise that he is dreaming, the young man finds out that he is in a mysterious field that looks like it's located someware on Quixadá. But, something freaks him out.

He faces a scenario of mass attacks of alien beings with characteristics similar to those of a duck.

Realizing the malevolent intent of the ducks, the young man, moved by the feeling of bravery and appreciation for this city, decides to take action in this situation, save Quixadá, at all costs!

Teaser Trailer

duck hunt vr teaser

Future Improvements

  • Skill management system
  • Weapon customization
  • New levels
  • New enemies
  • Better sound effects