
Repo for data science salary prediction from Glassdoor

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Glassdoor Salary exploration for financial analyst positions in the UK

Contributing Members

Team Leads (Contacts) : [Samuel Lawrence]: http://samuel-lawrence.co.uk/

Webscraper adapted from https://towardsdatascience.com/selenium-tutorial-scraping-glassdoor-com-in-10-minutes-3d0915c6d905

Inspiration for the project was based on Ken Jee's youtube series 'data science project from scratch' Major changes include:

  • Unique model building approach based on sklearn ensemble module
  • The model was deployed to production via streamlit on heroku url: https://glassdoor-fin-analyst.herokuapp.com/
  • Updated webcrawler was in need of overall due to glassdoor's updated website
  • Unique field objective

-- Project Status: [Complete]

Project phases:

  • Adapt web scraper for data for model
  • Clean data for analysis
  • Analyze data
  • Submit findings
  • Scale and Build Machine Learning Model
  • Host product on heroku

Project Intro

The objective of this project is to further understand what it takes to be a financial analyst in London. This exercise will serve as a gateway to those seeking to become analyst themselves as well as create an entry point adapting a machine learning model in predicting what role may be expected in relation to the different variables.

Methods Used

  • Inferential Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Predictive Modeling


  • Python
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Nltk
  • Wordcloud
  • Seaborn
  • Sklean
  • Selenium
  • Sklearn

Project Description

As we move closer to the full cycle of graduates moving into the work force, the question has been posed is what does it take/what is it like to be a financial analyst? Some questions we plan on answering include:

  • What kind of salary should be expected?

  • What positions are the most popular?

  • Types of companies Hiring?

  • What industries are the most popular?

  • Similarities between different roles?

  • Other questions we might want answered as we explore the data some more?

    things to note:

  • The data was gathered from Glassdoor job postings on 6/7/2020 via web scraper with the use of the Selenium Python library. As such, COVID-19 has remained a constant factor in our lives and should be taken into consideration.
  • -1 represents data that wasn't specified in the job posting
  • The sample size for this data set was 1,000 entries.
  • We ran the web scraper multiple times to get a wider pool of data due to the number of missing data

Key findings

  • Some of the most common words mentioned in the analysis include: 'Problem Solving','Bachelor Degree','team' and 'attention to detail'
  • Average salary came out to around 30K depending on the seniority level
  • Most big corporations are doing the hiring at the moment

Use Case

  • With more data and better feature selection, users could calculate their exact salary