
A Twitter clone built using Laravel Jetstream wil Inertia for Science

Primary LanguageVue

About Tworra

This is a Twitter clone built on Laravel Jetstream with Inertia.

My intention is to use it for Educational purposes.

You are free to use it as you please as long as you don't infringe on Twitter Inc intellectual rights or harm its users.



In its current form, you can Tweet, Like Tweets, Follow/Unfollow, view user profiles and show timeline. Some features e.g retweet, and threads do not work and are not planned for.


I have tested the application to work with Sail but should work like any other Laravel Application.

git clone https://github.com/SamuelMwangiW/tworra.git
cd tworra
cp .env.example .env

Update the .env with your ENVIRONMENT configuration

composer install
npm install
# if using sail
vendor/bin/sail up -d
vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
# If using artisan:serve
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve


The application uses pestPHP for testing, Larastan for static analysis and Laravel Pint for styling

php artisan test
vendor/bin/pint --test


Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability specific to Laravel, please refer to the Laravel Security Policy.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.