" FlatListAvatars Project"

Get Started

You can run this expo project on the web or on a device (IOS or Android). If you're already signed into Expo, run the project here

  1. Make use you have Expo Installed. You can do so here
  2. Clone the code from this repo
  3. Enter directory cd FlatListAvatars and run yarn && expo start.
  4. Done.

To Test

  • Run yarn test from root directory

Data retrieval

  • I'm using a TS file instead of a Json file because TS allows me import images locally.

Data Structures

  • I've included Navigation and Provider to leave room for feature extension. I know the life expectany of the project doesn't really support it.

Snake & Carmel Case

  • Snake case is used in all caps for constants
  • Camel case is used for everything else.

ScrollView Coupling

  • FlatList could also round up to the next index for a different scrolling effect.
  • Another wat to animate FlatList would be with React-Native Animated and scrollTo worklets