
Project carried out to train the use of Redux. A currency converter expense control portfolio was developed. All values are always converted to Brazilian Real (BRL). You can add, edit and delete an expense.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the TrybeWallet repository!

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💬 About

Project carried out to train the use of Redux. A currency converter expense control portfolio was developed. All values are always converted to Brazilian Real (BRL). You can add, edit and delete an expense.

⚠️ Important

This is just a frontend application, so the login system does not have backend validation. To access the wallet, you just need to enter a valid email address (ex.: teste@email.com) and a password with more than 6 digits (ex.: 123456).

🚀 Technologies

🛠️ Features

  • Make a login/logout system (no backend);
  • Add, remove and edit an expense;
  • View a table with your expenses;
  • View total spend converted to a currency of choice;
  • Update tests for new refactoring.

☁️ APIs

💻 Prerequisites

📋 Installation

To install TrybeWallet, follow these steps:

  • Linux and macOS:
# Step 1: Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/SamuelSilvaMelo/trybewallet.git

# Step 2: Enter the repository folder you just cloned:
$ cd trybewallet

# Step 3: Install dependencies:
$ npm install

# Step 4: Start the project:
$ npm start 

# Step 5: A new page should open in your browser automatically.


Foto do Samuel Melo no GitHub

Made with ❤ by Samuel Melo, Contact! 👋

📝 License

All rights reserved to Trybe

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