A project app for recipe lovers, which can be accessed via authorization.

The project is based on Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The Cloudinary service is connected. The documentation was created using the Swagger service.

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

Clone the repository; Install the dependencies; Run the following command: npm run dev; Auth Endpoints HTTP метод Endpoint Описание POST /auth/signup User registration POST /auth/signin User login POST /auth/logout User logout POST /auth/refresh User refresh GET /auth/:userId: Get user By Id PUT /auth/:userId Update user by Id POST /auth/avatars Upload a file

                                   Recipes Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /recipes/category-list Get category list GET /recipes/main-page Get main page GET /recipes/:category Get recipes by category GET /recipes/id/:id Get recipe by id GET /recipes/ Get user's recipes GET /recipes/search/recipes Search recipe by title/ingredient POST /recipes/add Add new Recipe DELETE /recipes/remove/:id Remove recipe by id

                                Shoping-list endpoints              

HTTP Method Endpoint Description GET /shopping-list/ Get shopping-list POST /shopping-list/add Add to shopping-list DELETE /shopping-list/remove/:id Delete ingredients

Ingredients endpoints

HTTP Method-----------------------------Endpoint-----------------------------Description GET-------------------------------------/ingredients/list--------------------Get Ingredients list GET /ingredients/:title Get recipes by ingredient

                               Recipe's favorite endpoints

HTTP Method-----------------------------Endpoint-----------------------------Description GET /favorite/list Get favorite recipe's POST /favorite/:id Add recipe to favorite PUT /favorite/:id Update recipe in favorite

                                Subscribe endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description POST /subscribe/ Subscribe for news GET /subscribe/remove/:email Unsubscribe for news

Popular-recipe endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description GET /popular-recipe/ Get popular recipes