DATASET 1 : Predict the number of Survivors in Titanic Disaster based on train and test datasets
DATASET 2 : Predict whether an Email is a Spam or Not
Confusion matrix, Create a classification Report, Compute an Accuarecy score of 80%
comprise of passenger's information that was captured in the Titanic Disaster. The information about those who survived and those who didn't survive. The Ones that survived are denoted as 1 while those who died denoted by 0. The dataset was sourced from Kaggle.
This dataset has different messages and we are tasked to predict whether an email is a spam or not. The was sourced from Kaggle
Data mungling Exploratory Data Analysis Feature Engineering Classifing Model K Nearest Neighbor Naive Bayes Create a confusion matrix Create a classification Report that will show
- Recall
- Precesion
- fi score
- Support
- Accuarcy
Done by : SamwelJane: