
Website for Write The Docs Bay Area, will either replace or supplement our meetup.com org

Primary LanguageHTML

Write the Docs Bay Area

This is the code that powers writethedocs-sfbay.org. It contains information about our Bay Area Write The Docs meetup group, as well as our announcements and our meetup events. Our site is built with Jekyll.

To contribute to the Bay Area Write The Docs website, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with Jekyll and Markdown (Kramdown flavor). Then, check out our Contribution Guidelines!


Content for this site is generally written by organizers for Write The Docs Bay Area.

For more about how to create the files for new events, venues, and announcements, see the file called contributing.md.

Generate the Site Locally

To preview the site locally, you must first clone this repository and install all dependencies. Then, you can serve the site locally with Jekyll.

Install Dependencies

To install dependencies:

  1. Install Ruby (version 2.4.0 or higher). Jekyll's documentation has good instructions on how to do this for various operating systems.
  2. Install Bundler.
    gem install bundler
  3. While in the project directory, run this command to install our gem dependencies:
    bundle install

You only need to do this once. After the dependencies are installed you can forget about them unless something breaks.

Build the site

If haven't served this site since installing it, the repo may not have a _site directory. This directory is where the server will look for the finished pages, and it's normal for the _site directory to be missing right after you clone the repo.

That directory and the finished version of your site will be created when you build.

To build this site, use bundle exec jekyll build

You can configure Jekyll to rebuild every time you save changes so you don't have to rebuild -- Refer to the Jekyll docs for more about that.

Serve the Site

To serve the site, run bundle exec jekyll serve from your project directory, and then open localhost:4000 in your preferred browser.

To stop the server, go back to the terminal and type control + C.