Pinned Repositories
Bro? - Social network that uses FreeMarker templates and the Resources plugin.
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you’ll have to find your way.
🔧 My Personal Dotfiles: Tailored configurations, shortcuts, and a touch of magic ✨ -
The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf().
This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.
This project is about coding a C library. It will contain a lot of general purpose functions your programs will rely upon.
This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
This is our work of synthesis of 2 SMX, a work whose purpose is to complete the integration of the contents taught throughout the cycle, globalizing and interrelating and, where appropriate, completing, those contents likely to show the degree of achievement of the general objectives, at the end of the training cycle.
San-tito's Repositories
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you’ll have to find your way.
The goal of this project is pretty straightforward. You will recode printf().
🔧 My Personal Dotfiles: Tailored configurations, shortcuts, and a touch of magic ✨ -
This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.
This project is about coding a C library. It will contain a lot of general purpose functions your programs will rely upon.
This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes.
This project is about representing a landscape as a 3D object in which all surfaces are outlined in lines.
This project will let you discover in detail a UNIX mechanism that you already know by using it in your program.
This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution (out of many) for an optimized data sorting.
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