
[OBSOLETE] See https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme-Data-BreezeJS and https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme-Data-JayData

Primary LanguageCSS


The [DevExtreme] 1 data layer includes the Store data access interface, which is supported by all DevExtreme UI elements working with data, such as the dxList, dxGallery, dxTileView widgets, etc. DevExtreme includes several Store implementations out-of-the-box.

  • [ArrayStore] 2 - provides access to an in-memory array
  • [LocalStore] 3 - provides access to the HTML5 web storage
  • [ODataStore] 4 - provides access to a remote OData service
  • [CustomStore] 5 - a Store that enables you to implement your own data access logic.

In addition to these stores, we have introduced the [BreezeJS] 6 and [JayData] 7 extensions, which contain classes accessing data via the BreezeJS and JayData libraries respectively. These classes also implement the Store interface, which provides their compatibility with DevExtreme widgets and enables you to use standard DevExtreme facilities to read and write data.