
Horribly incomplete C#-based Switch game modding framework

Primary LanguageC#



An awful C# modding framework for Nintendo Switch games. Uses .NET 6+ AOT compilation to compile C# assemblies to native code, and uses exlaunch-cmake for its runtime.


You need .NET 6 SDK, devkitARM, cmake, and git. If you are on Windows, you also need to run the following commands within MinGW or WSL. For devkitARM, you should have the DEVKITPRO environment variable set and pointing to your installation. (example: DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro)

git clone https://github.com/Sanae6/Exlaunch.NET --recursive
cd Exlaunch.NET
bash build.sh

Manual Building

If you want to build without using the build script, follow these commands.

# If you want to change Release to Debug, you can.
dotnet publish --sc -c Release -r linux-arm64 -o exlaunch-cmake/libs/

If you want to directly upload to your console (anonymous user) you can specify FTP_IP and replace YOUR_IP with your console's IP address.

# Remove -DFTP_IP if you don't want to upload to console.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain.cmake -DFTP_IP=YOUR_IP -B build

Finally, you can run this command to build the project.

cmake --build build -t subsdk9_meta
