Databases 2 Project

Project for a Databases2 (CSI3130), built using C.


// Contributors
String ali = '';
String karim = '';
String abdulwahab = '';

// Language
bool c = true;

// Need PostgreSQL
bool prostgreSQL = true;
// Project Description

 * In this assignment, you are to implement the symmetric hash join 
 * to replace the traditional hash join. 
 * You should alter the necessary files/functions to achieve all requirements. 
 * The assignment can be divided into subtasks as follows:

 * Change the optimizer so that both the inner and outer relations are first 
 * processed by hash nodes before being processed by the hash join operator. 
 * In the current implementation, only the inner relation is hashed, as described in Section 2. 
 * The hashing nodes is necessary to incrementally retrieve a tuple from each relation, 
 * insert it into the corresponding hash table and return it to the hash join node. 
 * This effect can be implemented by modifying the function that creates the hash join node in the 
 * planner component, which can found in the file createplan.c. (10%)
 * Modify the hashing algorithm to support pipelined execution instead of the multi-tuple execution 
 * mode that is currently implemented. This means that you will need to implement the ExecHash 
 * function, which currently returns an error message to indicate that this execution mode is 
 * not supported. (20%)

 * For this assignment you can disable the use of multiple batches, i.e. you may assume that 
 * the whole hash table consists one batch that is resident in memory for the duration of the 
 * join processing. Modify the file nodeHash.c to achieve this. Note that related code in 
 * nodeHashjoin.c that handles saving and retrieving tuples to temporary batch files can now be 
 * discarded. (0%). Modify the structure of HashJoinState to support the symmetric hash join 
 * algorithm by altering the file execnodes.h. You need to replicate the existing structures to 
 * support bi-directional probing. (10%)
 * Replace hash join algorithm with the symmetric hash join. This algorithm should be implemented
 * in nodeHashjoin.c. After completing the join operation, your operator should print the number of
 * resulting tuples that were found by probing inner hash table and outer hash tables, 
 * respectively. (60%)
 * Disable other join operators (i.e. merge join and nested loop join) to force the query optimizer 
 * to use the symmetric hash join operator. This can be done by modifying the configuration file 
 * postgresql.conf which can be found in the database directory. (0%)
 * You can test that the symmetric hash join is working properly by comparing the tuples resulting 
 * from an arbitrary join query before and after the modification. You can use the provided test 
 * case from the course web site to test your implementation.