
Optimized Reverse Image Search using Deep Convolutional Neural Nets as well as traditional ML models

Primary LanguagePython


Optimized Reverse Image Search for all! This project aims to create a scalable and robust system for reverse Image search. There are 2 types of models implemented: Neural Models, Machine Learning Model. This code is part of the following paper:https://apps.cs.utexas.edu/apps/tech-reports/171206 (User Interfaces for Optimized Reverse Image Search)

For the Neural Model on a custom dataset of San Francisco images, approx. 69% of our test searches returned at least one relevant image in the top 3 images returned. Average latency was 450ms.

Initial dataset: CIFAR 10

To run the following packages are needed:


Running script

cd models
python3 search.py

This project is highly customizable and you can use it to do reverse image search on your own dataset. Some customizable parameters are:

--model, type=str, default='ML', help="Model to run (CONV / ML)"
--train_type, type=str, default="CIFAR10", help="Data type - Cifar10 or CUSTOM"
--train_path, type=str, default='data/Reference/', help='Path to the training set'
--sift_path', type=str, default='model/sift.npy', help='Path to the sift file. Only useful if using ML model'
--num_clusters, type=int, default=100, help='Number of kmeans clusters for traditional ML model'


  1. Neural model - The neural model utilizes transfer learning and uses a pre-trained VGG-16 model, trained on the ImageNet dataset for feature-extraction of images. PCA (principal component analysis) is used to reduce the dimensionality of this vector to construct an image dataset of Image id -> feature vector.

  2. ML Model - The traditional machine learning breaks down images into visual words and constructs an inverted file of words -> images for extremely fast retrieval. This model is heavily influenced by (http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~grauman/courses/fall2009/papers/bag_of_visual_words.pdf).