
Leveled mobs with scaling attributes compatible with many RPG plugins.

Primary LanguageJava


Leveled mobs with scaling attributes compatible with many RPG plugins.


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API for Developers:

All leveled mobs use Metadata "MetaTag" from iomatix.spigot.rpgleveledmobs.tools package.


Add import iomatix.spigot.rpgleveledmobs.tools.MetaTag; to use the API or use string syntax instead. Remember to add the [RPGLeveledMobs] to dependency in your plugin.yml and add the extern .jar Is recommended to create a module loader which contains the information is the RPGLeveledMobs loaded correctly.

Add import org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue; to use the Metadatable values. To access MetaTag get the LivingEntity first.

Example will explain how to get the Mob's level but the idea is the same for each enum. Check the RPGMob tag by RPGmob enum first. if(LivingEntity.hasMetadata(MetaTag.RPGmob.toString()) && LivingEntity.hasMetadata(MetaTag.Level.toString())) Get the level of the Mob to the variable. final int TheLevel = LivingEntity.getMetadata(MetaTag.Level.toString()).get(0).asInt; Use the local variable in your own method.


double YourAwesomeFunction(LivingEntity mob, double valueOrigin){ // YourAwesomeFunction in most cases is an event listener.

// Start of your awesome code 

double awesomeValue = valueOrigin * awesomeMultiplier;

if(mob.hasMetadata(MetaTag.RPGmob.toString()) && mob.hasMetadata(MetaTag.Level.toString()))
final int TheLevel = mob.getMetadata(MetaTag.Level.toString()).get(0).asInt;
awesomeValue = awesomeValue * The Level;

return awesomeValue; //return your awesome output

More MetaData Methods: Metadatable

MetaTags list:

Enum Meta Data Tag Type Description
RPGmob RPGMob Boolean Is the mob loaded by RPG Leveled mobs plugin?
Level RPGMobLevel Integer The mob's level
DamageMod RPGMobDamageMod Double Per level damage modifier.
DamageAddon RPGMobAdditionalDamageValue Double Additional flat damage scaled by level.
DefenseMod RPGMobDefenseMod Double Per level defense modifier.
DefenseAddon RPGMobAdditionalDefenseValue Double Base defense value for all mobs and the additional flat scaled by level.
ExpMod RPGMobExpMod Double Per level experience modifier.
ExpAddon RPGMobAdditionalExpValue Double Additional flat experience scaled by level.
RecentKill RPGMobRecentKill LinkedList Level multiplied by ExpMod values list of the recent killed mobs.
RecentKillAddon RPGMobRecentKillAddon LinkedList Level multiplied by ExpAddon values list of the recent killed mobs.
ArenaExpMod RPGMobArenaXpMod Double MobArena experience modifier.
MoneyMod RPGMobMoneyMod Double Per level money modifier.
MoneyDrop RPGMobMoneyDrop Double Base money value of the mob.
MoneyRandomizer RPGMobMoneyRandomizer Double Money randomizer added to the final money output.
CustomName RPGMobCustomName String Contains mob's custom name.
BaseAdditionalHealth RPGMobBaseHealth Double Mob's vanilla base health without multipliers.
HealthMod RPGMobHealthMod Double Per level health modifier.
HealthAddon RPGMobAdditionalHpValue Double Additional flat health scaled by level.


Events Source Code

Package: package iomatix.spigot.rpgleveledmobs.events;

Event Method Description
RPGMobsGainExperience RPGMobsGainExperience(double exp,Player who) (CANCELLABLE) Event is called every time when Player gains experience from leveled mobs. who is the Player, exp is the experience amount.
RPGMobsGainExperience Player getEntity() Returns Player involved in the event.
RPGMobsGainExperience Double getExp() Returns Experience amount.
RPGMobsGainExperience boolean isSkillAPIModuleON() Returns true if SkillAPI is loaded correctly.
RPGMobsGainMoney RPGMobsGainMoney(double money,Player who, Economy economyHandler) (CANCELLABLE) Event is called every time when Player gains money from leveled mobs. who is the Player, money is the money amount, economyHandler is an Vault's Economy.
RPGMobsGainMoney Player getEntity() Returns Player involved in the event.
RPGMobsGainMoney Double getMoney() Returns money amount.
RPGMobsGainMoney void transaction() Deposits the money amount to the Player's economy account.