
Welcome to the Electricity Billing Management System! This Java-based application is designed to manage electricity billing processes for different user roles, including admin, customer, and employee.

Table of Contents


The Electricity Billing Management System streamlines electricity billing tasks, catering to different user roles:

  • Admin: Manages system settings, employee accounts, and overall functionality.
  • Customer: Views and pays bills, checks usage details, updates personal information.
  • Employee: Manages customer accounts, bill generation, and operational tasks.

The project uses Java (JDK 1.8), Swing for GUI, NetBeans and MySQL for database management.


  • User authentication with role-based access.
  • Bill generation, payment, and status tracking.
  • Customer info management.
  • Employee task management.
  • Graphical user interface (GUI) for easy interaction.
  • Splash screen for application launch.

Getting Started


  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • MySQL
  • IDE (NetBeans)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/Aman12305/Billing_System
  2. Import the project into your preferred IDE.
  3. Set up the MySQL database using queries from Database.txt.


  1. Launch the application by running Splash.java.
  2. Log in using user-specific credentials (admin, customer, employee).
  3. Utilize the provided functionalities as per user type.

Project Structure

  1. src/: Java source code.
  2. icon/: Images and icons for the GUI.
  3. Database.txt: SQL queries for database setup.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to create pull requests for improvements.