To do app

This repo contains code for inserting users,inserting todos and deleting todos to any underlying database( here it is a pg ) containing these tables. This . You need to enter the appropriate connection string for your db. Take a look at this docs to setup the hasurav3 project and configure your database.

Run the below command from the directory containing functions to use the typescript-hasura dataaconnector available in denoland to generate metadata for hasura project. This sets up the listener in localhost:8100.

deno run -A --watch --check serve --configuration ./config.json

Read more about how to configure this here

Befor creating hasura build make sure you use the below command to create a secure tunnel from your hasura3 cloud project and localhost.

hasura3 cloud tunnel localhost:8100

Replace the localhost:8100 URL with the URL obtained from the above step Once you make any changes to signatures of existing function or add new functions make sure to run Refresh data sources command & Track all collections command from the cmd plt and create a new build following the above steps.