
(Yoga) Class planner app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Class Planner App

Planner app to schedule classes. The app should have:

Admin login:

- overview of classes on calendar (week planner style)
- add & remove users / change & add user info 
- schedule / add / remove classes 
- add / remove participants from classes
- see who enrolled in which class / available spots

User Login:

- forgot password dialog
- see overview of classes / available spots per class
- add / remove oneself from class with cut-off 1 hour before class starts
- see no. of user cancelled classes, with expiry of 3 months. 

other functionality:
- confirmation mail && 'add to calendar' option
after enrolling/cancelling class. 

React / Vite
Timegrid / Fullcalendar / other (?) - scheduling / calendar system Styled components (?)
State management (?)
Firebase authentication for login / user data management
FireStore database for storing class data
Firebase cloud Functions -> for serverless functions to expose an HTTP endpoint for client-side code to call / saving API key in Firebase console.