Laravel Api Auth

This package provides a simple way to authenticate users using an API. It uses Sanctum for authentication and has a few extra features. Such as password change, email change and email reset that are not included by default in laravel.

Why was this package created?

I created this package because I needed a simple way to authenticate users using an API. I wanted to use Sanctum, but I also wanted to have a few extra features. Such as password change, email change and email reset that are not included by default in laravel.

This package is also easier to read and understand than the default laravel authentication when it comes to how tokens are handled. There is a single service that handles URL generation and token generation.

Laravel uses a PasswordBroker to handle password resets and DatabaseTokenRepository but to reuse and reinvent these to apply to email changes, resets and such was too cumbersome for me personally. So I have abstracted away all the logic into a single service.

I felt that it would be a waste of time to create these features for every project I work on. So I decided to create this package.

I hope you find it useful as well.


I am a beginner when it comes to creating packages. So if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please let me know.

Also, because I am a beginner, I am sure there are better ways to do things. So if you have any suggestions on how to improve the code, please do pull requests.

And finally if you find this package useful, please consider giving it a star.


  • Login
  • Register
  • Logout
  • Email Verification
  • Password Reset
  • Password Change
  • Email Change
  • Email Reset


You can install the package via composer:

composer require sandercokart/laravel-api-auth

User intervention

This package sets the URL facade used by laravel to generate routes. This is done so that the route() helper method generates urls that point to the frontend. It uses config('app.frontend_url') to generate the url. So you will have to set this in your config/app.php file.
Additionally, Notifications sent by this package will use config('app.frontend_name') under the hood to print out the frontend application name. We recommend setting this as well. I believe the backend name and frontend name should be different, hence the separation.

Publishing - Read carefully

Publish all (dangerous) - for starter projects

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCokart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider"


These are optional to publish. They are not required.


Only publish and run the migrations if you want to add timezone on the user model.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-migrations"


This package contains 4 models that you can use. Publish them if you want to change them. Models are EmailChange, EmailReset, PasswordReset and PasswordChange.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-models"

User Observer - IMPORTANT!

If you do not publish this, you will have to manually send the necessary notifications.

This UserObserver will automatically hash the password when the user is creating or updating. I feel like observers are more elegant than using events.
Tip from me: use the @see [NAME]Observer phpdoc on classes that trigger the observer like you can see in the example user model and publishable controllers.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-user-observer"

Example User Model

This is an example user model that you can use to get started. It is however not required.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-example-user"


The following are recommended to be published. They are however not required.


The config allows for customizing the controllers and expiration times.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-config"


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-models"


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-controllers"


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-requests"


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-notifications"


There are 2 route macros available, What they do is pretty self-explanatory.



You can also publish the route files instead of using the macros.
They will be located in routes/vendor/

When these are published you can move them into the routes folder and modify them to your liking.\

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SanderCoKart\LaravelApiAuth\LaravelApiAuthServiceProvider" --tag="api-auth-routes"

I also want to gift you this RouteServiceProvider routes configuration. Just copy and replace it in your RouteServiceProvider.php. If you use this you can remove middleware from the routes files.

        $this->routes(function () {
            Route::middleware(['api'])->group(function () {
                    /** @see ../../routes/guest.php */

                    /** @see ../../routes/authenticated.php */

                    ->middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])
                    /** @see ../../routes/verified.php */
# Under the hood of the package

> There is a facade available for the service.
It contains all the logic for generating URLs and tokens.
Alternatively you can use the service directly. `SanderCokart\LaravelApiAuth\Support\SecurityToken`

use SecurityToken;

class MyClass

    public function example(): void
        /** hash_hmac('sha256', Str::random(40), config('app.key')); */
        $token SecurityToken::generateToken();

        $url = SecurityToken::generateUrlWithToken(
                            string $model, // e.g EmailChange::class
                            int $minutes,
                            Closure $urlGenerator = null,
                            User $user = null, // if the model has a user_id column
                            string $token = null, // if you want to use a custom token
                            string $id = null // if you want to use a custom id, can be omitted if the model has an id column
                ): string|null

        // Example $urlGenerator
        $urlGenerator = function (string $id, string $token) {
            return route('email.change', [
                'id' => $id,
                'token' => $token,