
Getting started

Run the following commands to get up and started

composer install & artisan key:generate & php artisan migrate --seed & php artisan storage:link


Routes are split among the following files:


anyone can use these routes


only authenticated users can use these routes


only verified users can use these routes

Added artisan commands

artisan prune:files

removes all files that are not used by the application

artisan make:contract

Makes a php interface or as laravel refers to them as contracts and are stored in \App\Contracts

artisan make:trait

Makes a php trait and is stored in \App\Traits



Testing is done using PEST (PHPUnit) For this vendor package there are 3 commands:

php artisan pest:test {name} //generates a test file
php artisan pest:dataset {name} //generates a dataset file

In order to run tests call the following command:

php `./vendor/bin/pest`

PHPStorm Support

Command Line Tool

PHPStorm has a Run Anything feature that can be used to run any command. This includes scripts found in the package.json.

Adding Custom Tools

We can add additional tools to the Run Anything command line. Go to file -> settings -> tools -> command line tool support


To add composer click the + button and select Composer from the dropdown. Then you can define this tool for global use or limit it to just this project. Use the projects default php interpreter and fill in the path to the composer.phar.

If you installed composer on Windows via the Windows installer setup executable found on: https://getcomposer.org/download/ or via direct download: https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe you can find it in C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar

You can now use composer in the Run Anything tool by prefixing your command with cas alias.

Laravel Artisan

To add artisan click the + button and select Laravel from the dropdown. Then you can define this tool for global use or limit it to just this project. Use the projects default php interpreter and fill in the path to the artisan executable at the root this project.

You can now use artisan in the Run Anything tool by prefixing your command with whatever alias you have decided to use.

Environment (.env)

We have 4 .env files.

  • .env.local.example
  • .env.prod.example
  • .env.testing.example