Sando is a simple iOS app for messaging with firebase cloud system.
It is a messaging app which use firebase as a dataholder
it lets you to sign in with a nickname , then you can create new channels or join existing channels to chat
it lest you sending message and images too
This app support iOS 11.0+
Message Kit API used as provider.
Use Firebase Database for simple storing of messages images and user id when this is available.
Create A Project Database on Firebase
Create A GoogleService-Info.plist on Firebase, and change it with same file on Xcode Project
To set up anonymous authentication, open the Firebase App Dashboard, select the Authentication option on the left, click Set Up Sign-In Method, then select the Anonymous option, switch Enable so that it’s on, then click Save.
For Channels data structure open the Firebase App Dashboard, select the Database option; choose Cloud Firestone set up. It is an NoSQL Json Data Store.
To upload images, go the Firebase Storage in Firebase App Dashboard, then set it up by clicking
Install pods
Open the workspace in Xcode
- Xcode 10.1
- iOS 11+