
Sando is a simple iOS Chat app for messaging with firebase cloud system.

Primary LanguageSwift

Sando Chat iOS APP - Swift 4.0

Sando is a simple iOS app for messaging with firebase cloud system.

  • It is a messaging app which use firebase as a dataholder

  • it lets you to sign in with a nickname , then you can create new channels or join existing channels to chat

  • it lest you sending message and images too

  • This app support iOS 11.0+

Message Kit

Message Kit API used as provider.

Firebase Database

Use Firebase Database for simple storing of messages images and user id when this is available.

  • Create A Project Database on Firebase

  • Create A GoogleService-Info.plist on Firebase, and change it with same file on Xcode Project

  • To set up anonymous authentication, open the Firebase App Dashboard, select the Authentication option on the left, click Set Up Sign-In Method, then select the Anonymous option, switch Enable so that it’s on, then click Save.

  • For Channels data structure open the Firebase App Dashboard, select the Database option; choose Cloud Firestone set up. It is an NoSQL Json Data Store.

  • To upload images, go the Firebase Storage in Firebase App Dashboard, then set it up by clicking

How to build

  1. Install pods

  2. Open the workspace in Xcode


  • Xcode 10.1
  • iOS 11+