
Weather Sando is a simple iOS app for weather forecasting which use OpenWeatherMap API used as weather provider (swift 4.2)

Primary LanguageSwift

Weather Sando iOS APP - Swift 4.2

Weather Sando is a simple iOS app for weather forecasting.

  • It shows the actual weather for your current location. In the forecast tab, show the forecast for the next 5 days at your current location.

  • This app support iOS 11.0+

Weather Provider

OpenWeatherMap API used as weather provider.

  • Today Weather endpoint: view

  • Forecast Weather enpoint used: view

  • Parameters of API respond: docs

Firebase Database

Use Firebase Database for simple storing of current location and temperature when this is available.

  • Create A Project Database on Firebase

  • Create A GoogleService-Info.plist on Firebase, and change it with same file on Xcode Project

  • Give read and write permission on Project Database in Firebase: view

  • Add FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled type "Boolean" value "NO" in your Xcode Project info.plist

How to build

  1. Install pods

  2. Open the workspace in Xcode

  3. Sign up on openweathermap.org/appid to get an appid

You should find OpenWeatherMapClient.swift file and put your appid in the line 15:

fileprivate let apiKey = "YOUR_ID"

  1. Compile and run the app in your simulator

  2. If you don't see any data, please check "Simulator" -> "Debug" -> "Location" to change the location.


  • Xcode 10.1
  • iOS 11+