
Wizard Passport is a fully TypeScript powered Web App created around Harry Potter, Wizard Universe. It allows users to share their love for Harry Potter in a fun way with friends. This project uses new technologies introduced around react world such as React Hook Form, React Query, React Location, Zustand, Etc... along with AWS Services.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Wizard Passport

Wizard Passport is a Web App created around Harry Potter, Wizard Universe. It allows users to share your love for Harry Potter in a fun way with friends. You can choose things like Hogwarts House, Wand Type, Pertonus Type, Etc... and generate a custom "Wizard Passport" based on them. Then the generated "Wizard Passport" can be Shared, Downloaded, Viewed in multiple ways. Such as Direct Link, IFrame, Markdown, SVG, JPG, PNG, Facebook, Twitter, Etc...

Below is a live example of "Wizard Passport", embed in Markdown.

Wizard Passport Example

This full-stack project is mainly powered by TypeScript, React & Serverless Functions.

See Live Demo at WizardPassport.com

Used Technologies

Main technologies and tools used for this project.

FrontEnd BackEnd Tools DevOps + Other
Type Script Serverless Functions (NodeJS) ESLint + Prettier + StyleLint Vercel
React React Server Side Rendering (SSR) Husky + LintStaged Google Analytics
React Location PreCommit Hooks SVG Manipulation
React Hook Form Babel Image Conversion
React Query Offline Detection
Zustand Encoding
Chakra UI

How To Run

  • First of all, Create .env file with relevant fields and values. Check .env.example for necessary fields.
  • Make sure NodeJS are installed on system.
  • Then run npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Then run npm start to start normal server. (Run npm run vercel-dev-server if want to run serverless functions locally as well.)
  • Now you can interact with program through http://localhost:3000.

How To Lint/Code Quality

  • Linting Only : Run npm run lint-all. (This runs Prettier, ESLint, StyleLint)
  • Type Script : Run npm run manual-tscheck
  • Full Code Quality Check : Run full-code-quality-check