A simple runner game written in DOME. Very early in development.
You will need the dome
executable in order to run the game. If, like me, you are using Mac OS, you can simply clone the repo and use the binary included in the repo. Otherwise, you will need to fetch a binary appropriate for your system from here.
You will need SDL2 if you are using MacOS or Linux.
On Mac you can run:
brew install sdl2
For Linux, consult your distro documentation.
If you're running Windows, the SDL library is bundled with the dome executable, so you don't need to do anything.
- Menu background
- Menu Text*
- Cursor Arrow
- Menu Music
- Main Music
- Main Background
- Player Avatar
- Firewall
* Steps to recreate this text:
- All caps
- Electrolize font
- Neon effect
- Stroke = 2.0
- Colour: #00aa1f