
This project completely use kotlin to implement.

Primary LanguageKotlin


1.This is a Android album demo implemented without any third-party libraries.
2.Using completely Kotlin code to implement.


(Plan to implement the following features)

  1. Load all the images and videos files on the external storage.
  2. make the files into categories by date.
  3. Image decoding and memory cache.
  4. Image and video preview

Todo List

  1. Video Player.
  2. QRCode Scanning (Open links and show text content).
  3. Third party login (including QQ, WeChat,Weibo,Facebook).
  4. Push Message.
  5. File management (pdf,office format files,apk,etc.).

Latest Release

Scan the QRCode below to install the release apk file.

(Use browsers that support QRCode scanning)



1. You may face the following problem when building a release apk

Execution failed for task ':app:processReleaseGoogleServices'. > File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it. Searched Location: The solution lies here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33866061/error-file-google-services-json-is-missing-from-module-root-folder-the-google

Issues to solve

1. GridView Scaling: https://medium.com/@ankurcse/android-gridview-scaling-7424eed81f29

2. 'kotlin-android-extensions' deprecated: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding/migration