
Implementing various heuristics for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), Namely Lin-Kernighan Heuristic, Nearest Neighbor Heuristic,

Primary LanguagePython


Implementing various heuristics for Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Nearest Neighour heuristic (nn.py), 2-opt (2-opt.py) genetic algorithm(ga_tsp.py, ga_2-opt_tsp.py), Simulated Annealing (runSA.py, runSA2opt.py)).


TSP_Data: this folder has all TSPLIB instances (e.g ch130.tsp, a280.tsp) 
readData.py: this python file is used for reading the TSP instances.  
All other python files are implemetation of algorithm

Steps for running algorithms

Terminal commands

$ python 'algorithm.py' 'filename'  
  • 'algorithm.py': 2-opt.py, nn.py, ga_2-opt_tsp.py, ga_tsp.py
  • 'filename' pick any file from TSP_Data folder eg. ch130.tsp or a280.tsp

Example runs

$ python nn.py kroB100.tsp
$ python 2-opt.py kroB100.tsp
$ python ga_tsp.py kroB100.tsp
$ python ga_2-opt_tsp.py kroB100.tsp
$ python runSA.py kroB100.tsp
$ python runSA2opt.py kroB100.tsp 

Some Results:

TSP Tour TSP Tour