
Website for non-profit event

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Website for a local non-profit event.

I've done some marketing for this local event, which benefits the local Food Kitchen & Pantry (Zarephath House). Their web developer moved out of town, so it seemed like a good time to update the look.

The first version was what the client said they wanted (the Moderna theme in this repo was the demo): (some of the features are lost when using GitHub preview mode - but this is a good general representation) http://htmlpreview.github.com/?https://github.com/SandyGlantz/BiteofEastCounty/blob/master/Bite_Moderna%20copy/index.html

The second version was what they actually wanted ;-) Currently under development as a WordPress site (so they will eventually be able to do their own maintenance):

To Do list:

✅ Learn WP Basics

✅ Pick Theme (possibly the hardest part!)

✅ Set up separate dev environment for working on site

✅ Check basics for how to transfer site - adjust my set-up accordingly

✅ Find & upload decent photos from event; + get some online freebies.

✅ Do base site for client approval of direction

✅ Needs MVP for launch

✅ Grab screens of old version (not mine)

✅ Grab screens of site as delivered - before they get access to "update" it. (tried going through the WP files and to show what I did versus what WP does is not reasonable to show in GH)

🔲 Do vendor page with sortable/tagged function: Food, Drink, Crafts, Services

✅ Do About Us page with info from Zarephath House (charity info)

✅ Pick a font - or two - for the site. Clean up the 200 different font madness.

✅ Get some copy from the client to replace my "something goes here about a band" types of copy.

🔲 Research GA set-up (transfer from old site owner?) --> opted to not do this due to GDPR compliancy needs (without GA, we didn't need to have anything on the site). On the list for next year.

✅ Make event Chairperson an Admin for the site in addition to myself

✅ Get guidance on who gets what access - and when (AFTER I've rec'd approval)

✅ Clean up sponsor logos - and make that section MUCH better/cleaner

✅ Get decision on who/what should be listed in "Contact Us"

✅ Research online kanban for free or cheap - easy for non-techs - 6 person team

✅ Consider Trello or other agile/kanban online source for tracking all the changes once live https://trello.com/b/TgEmT4dR/website

✅ Reduce image sizes for faster load time (Octify was perfect!!)

✅ Rebuild all images after WP update lost them all. #Valuablelesson

✅ Create Raffle Page

✅ Get Raffle logo requirements

✅ Fix Google/Search permissions from SandySandbox that ported over :-(

✅ Remove Bite info from SandySandybox ... move to SiteGround??

✅ Who needs a website's images to show on Chrome? LOL. FIXED - but lost some cool functionality :-(

✅ Why does the formatting on the vendor page keep reverting ?????????

✅ Keep fingers plugging all the holes in the dike ;-)

🔲 What have I forgotton and/or overlooked?????

🔲 What should I put in place now for next year?

✅ Update WP version