Fortune Cookie

A fun way to add some mystery to your workspace's Slack channel!

How to Use the App

For information on how to install our app on Slack or how to use it via email & web instead, check out our website.

Project Details

This project was coded for the Columbia Full Stack Web Development Coding Bootcamp by Sandy Yeung, Evan Ross, Julia Macalaster, and Kenneth Postigo.



  • Our backend node server uses express.js and is deployed by heroku.
  • Serverside database management is done via sequelize using mysql2.
  • API calls within our server and to other servers are handled by axios. In addition to axios, some Slack App API calls are done via the slackbots NPM package. Email is via nodemailer.
  • Our templating engine is handlebars, via the express-handlebars NPM package.
  • Text filtering courtesy of the bad-words NPM package.
  • Although we wanted to focus on user-generated fortunes, we did use the Fortune Cookie API for their handy "Learn Chinese" lessons which a user may randomly receive, if they're lucky!
