Hello Microverse Project

This is the Module one Microverse project


The learning objective of this project is to be able to create branches with different base branches, follow GitHub flow, understand the concept of version control, open pull requests in GitHub, write descriptive, easy to understand commit messages, Write short, detailed, easy to understand descriptions of pull requests, write a descriptive and easy to understand README, and demonstrate an ability to submit a project for code review.

Built with


Steps taken to build the project

  1. Create a new GitHub repo.
  2. Create a new branch.
  3. Add a .gitignore file.
  4. Set up a linter for HTML and CSS.
  5. Add README file.
  6. Add html file that includes a header with the text "Hello Microverse!".
  7. Add css file and style it.
  8. Add test.md file with the text "This file should be ignored by git".


Sane Myburg