
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Arch Remaster

Remastering Arch Linux ISO


Install arch-remaster package from AUR and download Arch Linux ISO from official website. In advance, make Chef cookbooks to deploy your remastered Arch Linux ISO and system environment.

yaourt -S arch-remaster


arch-remaster in bin directory is a entry of Arch Remaster. help command prints its usage.

arch-remaster <command> <options>


deploy command deploys arch-remaster environment to customize your Arch Linux ISO.

arch-remaster deploy -i <arch_iso_path> -d <destination_dir>

Note: You might want to specify system architecture depending upon the situation. If so, you can use -a option, but you must specify 'x86_64' or 'i686'.

Edit <destination_dir>/mnt/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to select the best mirror server.


The following command option specifies directory contents, remastered ISO path, full automatic building, squash filesystem and generating ISO file. You can enter interactive shell without using -f option.

arch-remaster build -i <dir_contents> -o <remastered_iso_path> -l <device_label> -f -q -g

If you have your Chef cookbooks, you can deploy with them to use -c option.

arch-remaster build -i <dir_contents> -o <remastered_iso_path> -l <device_label> -c <cookbook_path> -f -g -q


To update remastered Arch Linux ISO, use -u option.

arch-remaster build -i <dir_contents> -o <remastered_iso_path> -f -u


The cookbooks for arch-remaster must include config.json and knife.rb.


MIT License.