
Boilerplate Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Installed request

  • Nodejs: v14.15.4
  • Mysql: 8.0.22

Development environment (environments)

  • LCL: Local environment
  • DEV: Development environment
  • STG: Staging environment
  • PRO: Production environment

The configuration files with the respective environments are located in the directory env. Commands that do not specify which environment will default is LCL

Install the project and run the server

  • Step 1: Clone git repository to your computer: git clone

  • Step 2: Install packages: npm install

  • Step 3: In the env directory:

    • Copy file LCL.env.example

    • Rename to LCL.env

      Pay attention to change the connection database parameters in local, ...

  • Step 4: Start server

    • Run in normal mode: npm start
    • Run in update tracking mode: npm run watch

Create database

  • In Step 4 of Installation, the database migration process will run automatically.
  • If there is no auto-generated database, create a database first with the name wino in managed MySQL (eg MySQL WorkBench) and rerun Step 4 in section Setting .
  • To perform seeding (generating sample data available):
    • Run the command NODE_ENV=LCL npm run seed
    • Other environment then floating corresponding NODE_ENV=DEV or NODE_ENV=STG

Refer to the list of environments in the above section.


Sequelize is the ORM used in the SQL use case. See Sequelize's document (http://docs.sequelizejs.com/). In this project, Sequelize is preconfigured to read the corresponding environment variables.

To run Sequelize commands, run the file sequelizer.sh and provide the same parameters as sequelize-cli

For example:

  • ./sequelizer db:migrate
  • ./sequelizer migration:generate --env=DEV if --env is not provided the default is --env=LCL

To create the migrate file cd into the migrations folder

  • cd src/models
  • npx sequelize-cli migration:create --name name-file

Build và deploy

  • Step 1: run the command npm run build, the directory dist is created.
  • Step 2: run command NODE_ENV=DEV pm2 start dist/app.js In case pm2 is not installed: run command npm install pm2 -g